My Thoughts on Becoming a Blogger / Update...

Hi guys! Today's post will be slightly different.

Lately I've had a bit of trouble coming up with things to write about, and as you might have noticed I have become very MIA lately, which I apologise for! However, I was doubting whether to carry on with my blog. I know it seems very harsh to say, and to all of those who read my blog on an everyday basis, and leave those comments that make my day, it makes everything seem so worthwhile when you do that (:

But, then you have the times where you simply have no time to spend photographing bits and bobs, faffing around with the lighting, making sure that when you come home from school you've eaten, finished your homework, done a bit of revision and taken a little time to yourself, everything just seems so rushed. Albeit, the blogging part is fun; sharing your thoughts and opinions on your little corner of the internet, with people you don't even know there to support you and help you in those situations where you simply don't know what to do.

 So, putting all of my negative thoughts aside, I realised how much I enjoy blogging, and although I may not be the best blogger out there, I don't mind. I aspire to be those people who get thousands of views a day, hundreds of followers and comments, but for now, I'm not. I know I don't have many views or followers, but it's not what I don't have that makes my blog successful, it's those people who come home, click the link from my twitter page and have a read. And, it's so worth it.

With that said, I wanted to share with the people who have always wanted a blog, my thoughts on it. I know two years ago, when I had just turned 12 years old, I sat on my laptop, typing some nonsense onto a screen labelled Blogger. But, the best part was, I didn't care. My blog looked terrible (I would insert a picture, but thankfully they're all gone!) and, although I had about 20 pageviews, I was over the moon. No one knew, not even my best friend at the time, and it was just my blog and I (cliché there, sorry!) Besides the fun parts, it was so confusing. I didn't want anyone to find out, and I didn't know whether I enjoyed it. So, why not read these questions (to ask yourself) I put together and find out if you really want one?

Do you have the time?
Time is unfortunately a very important factor when it comes to having your own blog, as thousands of people out there will know. You have to be ready to sit down and write a post about something that you love, and especially if it's what I blog about (e.g. makeup, fashion etc) you have to be able to have the time to take photos that look half decent. If you're currently finishing or starting exams I would recommend waiting until they're complete, because then you'll have lots more time on your hands.

Are you passionate about anything?
Makeup interests me. A lot. Hence, I have a blog dedicated to it. I think that when writing a blog you need to be very passionate about your content and really enjoy what you're writing. After all, the blog is yours! For instance, there'd be no point in me writing about, say, Football, because I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever (sorry to disappoint the football fans out there) and my posts just would be so boring. So, make sure you're fully passionate about your content and I guarantee your posts will be a lot better.

Finally, are you ready to 'commit' to your blog?
I should really win the award for 'Most absent blogger of 2014'. I've been so caught up in school and seeing my friends and homework this year, that I've not blogged very much. I think that if you're wanting to start a blog you should be very dedicated to it (unlike me right now). It is hard and at the start you'll probably be uploading content a lot and it will all be very exciting. But I recommend if you do this stick to a schedule, otherwise your viewers will get used to you uploading say 4 times a week and then when you don't it will be strange for them. That's obviously just my opinion but I think that will help.

I hope this helped all of you aspiring bloggers out there!

Alex :)


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